Rate limiting
We enforce rate limits at both the key and IP address.
The limits in place are:
- 30 requests per min per key
- 2,500 request per hour per IP address
Limits work in conjunction with each other
For example, if you use 2 keys on the same IP address, making 2 requests on each key, this would count as 4 requests against the IP address.
Further, if you have 1 key used on 1 IP address, you will be allowed to make 30 requests per minute on that key and generate up to 1,800 requests per hour.
However, if you have multiple keys and/or multiple IP’s using those keys, then it may be possible to stay within the 30 per minute per key limit but still exceed the 2,500 requests per hour per IP address limit.
If you exceed any of the limits, you will receive a "429 Too Many Requests" HTTP error.
We reserve the right to extend or change the limits in the future should we deem it necessary.
Updated about 2 months ago